HOME > Resources
This 'Resources' page includes companies that support AAF's mission, but are not (officially) corporate partners. This means that there are specific products at lower price points for AAF members that do not meet AAF's 50% requirement for official partnership and does not extend to a company's entire product line. This page also includes links to other websites/resources that we think others might appreciate knowing about.
For further information on what a particular company is offering, or to let us know about a helpful resource that isn't listed, please email our team at: info@ableartist.org
'Cakewalk' by BandLab (Free DAW, Windows Only): https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk
"Previously called Sonar, this digital audio workstation was made free when it was acquired by BandLab. Although a new company owns it, it's still the same DAW (Cakewalk Sonar Platinum), just with some updates." - Transverse Audio
Helpful Tutorial by Transverse Audio: https://youtu.be/8PVxIqeDZ7U
VSTBuzz: www.vstbuzz.com
VSTBuzz offers exclusive time-limited discounts of up to 99% off one music software product every week. Discover new sample libraries and plugins and save money while you do it.
KK-Access: www.kk-access.com
KK-Access is a website dedicated to the promotion and use of Native Instruments Komplete Kontrol keyboards, which are accessible to blind & visually impaired musicians via it's built-in accessibility feature.
We work with sample library developers to encourage and make best use of NKS hardware parameter mapping for blind users, and publish extensive news and product reviews from the world of Komplete Kontrol.
Clip Different: www.clipdifferent.com
The ClipDifferent Pro is a revolutionary fingernail clipper designed for those who cannot clip their own nails.
PC's For People: www.pcsforpeople.com
PC's and internet service for individuals who are considered low-income.